T.Collins Logan is the creator of the Integral Lifework system of transformative practice, and the Level-7 political economy that evolved out of that integral approach. He has been a patient advocate, life coach, and practitioner of alternative healing arts for many years. As a lifelong student of philosophy, psychology, and diverse faith traditions, T.Collins identifies as a perennialist mystic. He is also an avid hiker, photographer, and musician, and currently lives in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts.
Contact information:
[email protected]
Many books and essays by T.Collins Logan are available for free DjVu download at Archive.org. Some titles are also available as full online previews at Publitas.

T.Collins Logan's latest book on Integral Lifework, Being Well, explores a multidimensional approach to wellness and wholeness in a simple, straightforward way. It is written so that anyone — of any age and all levels of experience — can benefit from the principles of Integral Lifework.
What sets Being Well apart from many other approaches to wellness is its focus on the whole person. There are the traditional physical, emotional and mental aspects of well-being to be found here, but there are also things like having a sense of purpose, creating a supportive community, and encouraging inner spiritual vitality. In simple, straightforward language, T.Collins Logan describes a total of twelve dimensions that require our attention and care, and how to begin caring for them in loving and effective ways. Being Well then offers a path to a harmonious unity a way for all of these dimensions to relate to each other and thrive. But perhaps most importantly, T.Collins does not confine well-being to personal health and happiness, but describes it as part of a larger vision. This vision includes the healing, growth and transformation of our relationships, our community, and society as a whole. All of this is achieved with tools and habits anyone can learn, and relies on the strength and potential everyone has within.
Being Well is available at Amazon.com in both print and Kindle formats. You can also explore an online preview here.